Personal Presence
Price: Establish a New Presence
Physical, or Virtual
Your Presence ( meaning: in each location where you establish yourself physically and virtually ) enables YOU to do, and for YOUR Doers to do for you - many, many things.
By default, when you successfully create your Fortodo Account for the first time, the following "Fortodo Presences" will be established:
- A "Physical Presence" in the Country on Earth that you selected from the "Country" dropdown menu.
- A "Virtual Presence” on Fortodo. Currently, you can have an Unlimited number of virtual presences on Fortodo.
- A “Space Presence” - this for any Physical and/or Virtual future journeys you may take off world.
when you Add a new Presence in a Country on Earth ( that is, for your first Presence in each Country ),
the following "Fortodo Presences" will be established in that NEW Country Account:
- A "Physical Presence" in the Country on Earth that you selected from the "Country" dropdown menu.
- A "Virtual Presence” on Fortodo. You then can have an Unlimited number of physical and virtual presences in that Country.
You can base Your Account(s), and Presences in any Country.
You can have as many Presences as you wish.
Note: Each Country on Earth requires a Physical Address in-order to establish a Presence in that Country.
And again, to establish a Presence on Fortodo, be it a Physical Presence on Earth, a Virtual Presence, or a Space Presence, you will need at least ONE Fortodo Account.
Unavailable Presence List
Presences on this list cannot (at-this-time) be established
You can select a different - LEGAL bill to - presence
Note: You ONLY need to subscribe to an address if you want to set-up an account in a Country on Earth where you DO NOT already have an address there, but yet, it is a Country where you do wish to have an account established.
$5 USD per Year
Additional Fees
None! There is No set up fee. The IDV (Identity Verification - apart of our Account Verification
) is included in your subscription, if you have already been verified across Fortodo and its brands.
+ IDV ( is extra )
- Fee is $0 USD
If you have not already been verified across Fortodo and it's brands, then, the IDV
- Fee is $10 USD
- Select a subscription Plan below, and on the following page, enter your business info, and any other info required, and then select the “Add to Bag”
Then, pay for your subscription.
If accepted, and available, we will reserve your unique username and it will be available on our upcoming platform update in 2023.
Price: Annual Subscription
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