Planning Development Administration
( P D A )
Wherever you currently have, and/or need business operations, and/or staff to get things done for you, our For; to (do) Business Incubator Centers, and our Doer Services - current and planned; physical and virtual - are:
At your service, and, for your business
wherever - WE have operations.
Current Locations (for your local presence):
- Palo Alto, California, U.S.A. (virtual center)
- San Francisco, California, U.S.A. (virtual center)
- San Jose, California, U.S.A. (virtual center)
Planned Locations:
- Undisclosed, but coming
Our Services are dedicated to entrepreneurs, startups, early-stage, and well established companies. Whether your a small business, or an big enterprise, we are (t)here for you.
What makes us different? Our Doers!
You now have additional places to do business, with access to "Doers".

You may be a business headquartered in Dubai, with a presence needed in Silicon Valley. Our Virtual For; to (do) Centers - in San Francisco, San Jose, or Palo Alto are here for you now, with Physical Centers planned, and under consideration.
Or you maybe a London based start-up, with work to be accomplished in Sydney, Australia. Our Doers there, and worldwide, are at your Service.
- Powered by (Y)Our
Designers - Developers - Engineers - Managers - Drivers - Finders - Runners - Shoppers - Taskdoers - and many other "ers"
as-well-as local For; to (do) Centers
Via your For; to (do) Center,
Establish your Businesses Local Presence
- Get a Local Physical Address
- Mail Accepted
- Mail Redirected
- If desired, opened, faxed, read
- More
Have Done by (Y)Our Doers:
Local Task you need accomplished
- Represent you/your business at events; meetings; etc.
- Be your "Facts on the ground"
- "Verify for you" locally
- File Documents with local agencies
- Pick-you/your staff up when visiting
- Arrange accommodations
- Arrange Transportation
- Duties related to your maintaining a business
- Be a Brand Ambassador
- Attend, and report on trade shows, meetings, etc.
- More
If you are not already a member, first, become one by selecting the Membership package.
Next, select from any of the other services.
Concierge Service
$25.00 Fee + cost, and, $0.50 cents USD per minute Doers fees
Let us assist you 24/7/365 days a year
Wherever you are, or do business
Business Solutions Membership
Subscribe to this membership, then, get services - as-needed - A la carte.
Wherever we have a For; to (do) Center
No set up fee
Restrictions and Limits may apply
Business Address (Virtual)
From $30 USD per month
+ Location Fee starting at $30 USD per month
Per Local Presence Address
- (Virtual Address)
No set up fee
This service DOES NOT include mail acceptance.
Just the right to the locations address as your business address.
Virtual Offices
From $30 USD per month
+ Location Fee starting at $70 USD per month
Per Local Presence Address
- (Virtual Address + Mail Acceptance)
No set up fee
This service include mail acceptance.
And also the right to use the locations address as your business address.
Price: Establish a New Presence
Price: Your License to use a Unique Username across Fortodo, and its related brands
License: Your Fortodo Business Handle (Username) (www.fortodo.___/username)
Price: From: $1.00 USD per day and up. For 1 package and up. And for a Storage Size from 15 ft by 15 ft and up
Store your Goodies. Powered by your Local, and Global For; to (do) Centers / Parcel kiosks / and Lockers in your area
Price: From: $1.00 USD per day and up. For 1 package and up. And for a Storage Size from 15 ft by 15 ft and up
Store your Goodies. Powered by your Local, and Global For; to (do) Centers / Parcel kiosks / and Lockers in your area
Price: Get a Business Verified across Fortodo, and its related brands
Fortodo Verified for Business: Your Business Presence Verified across all of Fortodo
Price: Get Verified Business across Fortodo, and its related brands
Fortodo Verified - for businesses: Your Business Presence Verified across all of Fortodo
Fortodo Business Verified: Annual Subscription
Fortodo Unique Username for Businesses: A Unique Username across all of Fortodo
Price: Get a Unique Handle (Username) for Businesses, across Fortodo, and its related brands
Fortodo Unique Handle (Username) - for Businesses: A Unique Username across all of Fortodo
Price: Annual Subscription
Price: Business Address Forms
US forms needed to receive your Mail at our For; to (do) US Centers or parcel kiosks / lockers
Price: $.50 USD / Per Minute
Price: $10.00 USD per Month
Receive your Mail at our for; to (do) Centers or parcel kiosks / lockers
Business Admin. - Post Covid 19 - Workshop - November 02, 2020
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But, it DOES NOT include the right to the usage of a locations address as your business address.