Post a listing for Something Lost

Price: $3 USD / Event Listing (Doer rate not included)

By: Fortodo Centers
We are (t)here for you - when you need us (and how ever you need us).

Post a listing for a doer(s), starting at $3 USDper listing.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  You will initially be charged here for the listing.  The balance will be charged, or paid - by Cash in-full, Credit Card, or Debit Card - upon the completion of each days work.

No Checks Accepted.
No promise to pay later.

Some task may require payment (or proof of payment) at the start of work.

There are TWO types of doers:

- Each  is an independent contractor and works for you, and you direct the taskdoer as to how to perform the task.

You pay For; to (do) directly for the task to be complete.  If a Taskdoer is to be paid directly, we will notify you of this  - in advance, or by calling you from (650) 367-8636.

- Each  er is an employee of For; to (do) and works for us.  (S)He may also perform task, but mainly takes Task request;  check to see if a Taskdoer is performing to the standards of his/her assignment;  oversee a job request involving one or more Taskdoers.

We will first seek out a  to perform your task request, unless you select the option to have a  er  do the task (select the option in this order).  If no is found prior to the start date and time of your task, we will request your o.k. to have a  er perform the task for $5.00 extra per half hour.

* denotes required field

Have Finders Worldwide assist in physically locating someone
Finders in which Location(s) ($7.00 per 15 min)
Date(s) Needed*
When and Where? Date, Time, Address. Seperate Events by hitting the "Enter (Return)" Key twice1550 characters remaining
Number of items "to be Found" in all ($3.00 admin charge per Event)*
Would you like to have a For; to (do)er (an actual employee of For; to (do) Centers) perform the task*
Add telephone / text message Support to the Order*
Your, or the Contact person info*
(Name and Address)500 characters remaining
(Telephone Number)

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